Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: the test domain is not available. how to transfer my domain to the test?

Hello. what domain you available.

Question: http://jen.testar.testforhost.com/
Question: how to transfer your domain to test?

Upload it into the public_html folder.

Question: who? my domain , or your test domain?
Question: and where is the public_html folder

the public_html folder located in the root of your acounta

you can upload files to it or ispolzovaniem ftp or the file Manager pane

Question: I don`t understand!

first things first, You place the test peroid, You created a test hosting for testing until You can ispolzvat our test domain < / span>http://jen.testar.testforhost.com/. If You want to use your domain, then You need to change its settings (the settings vary where You bought the domain).

nastrojkah domain you need to register our DNS:

ns1.hosthp.net  IP: 
ns2.hosthp.net  IP:

IP address are not required, only if required by the Registrar.

New nostrike will take effect immediately, on average it takes 2-12 hours.


Regarding the file.

You need to connect by ftp with any ftp client such as filezilla and zakachat website files to the public_html folder. Or You can upload files via Your cPanel, under \"file Manager\".

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