Possible solutions of your questions

<< Previous       Yandex-market could not load the YML file....

Question: Here is what Yandex Invalid server response: 500 Internal Server Eggagerated a 200 OK response. Make sure there are no problems on the server and that access is open. Please deal with this problem!


Check amps. for what kind of domain is it?

Question: We are talking about the domain http://arbuz-karapuz.ru the path to this file the following http://arbuz-karapuz.ru/yml_products.xml

you have the file available?

Question: blah you killed...I don`t write you bring down the problem to the site...it worked fine a few months...if Yandex writes that there is no answer from the server...he probably is telling the truth...and you are bullshitting me...
Question: I gave you the link to the file above...
Question: look closely...
Question: doing copy-paste...paste into your browser and voila...the file and its contents you have...well let`s not Lanitis and let`s make a deal huh??

please do not be rude in the ticket!

file yml_products.xml You don`t have, Yandex says the truth.  if there is no file, therefore it and upload it.

Question: The file is automatically generated on the server....and Yandex will automatically download it on this link...may increase the response time of the server or can place on a host lacking for his generation? Please see the problem...working with You and would like to continue to cooperate...but such problems are forced to think about moving all projects...

If the file is generated then generate it , now You don`t have the file.

with a place in the sun no problem, the sun employs a total of 7257 MB 25,000 MB

Question: when you try to open the browser ...there is here such error Website arbuz-karapuz.ru still can not process that request.

when you try to open that in the browser? what do you want to open?

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