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Question: Zdravstvuyte how you can fill the database size to 160 MB? Are there any limits in phpmyadmin?


Upload the dump to the root of Your account and let us know the UIS file and the name of the database where you want to install, we will install it Simi.

Question: File: public_html -> backup -> ogom_2016-09-16_15-22_cadc0.sql.gzБаза: ogomusic_ogom

how did you do this  dump? the dump has been created incorrectly sent data size is too large, create a dump that would block data supervisal 128MB

Question: File: public_html -> backup -> ogom_2016-09-16_15-22_cadc0.sql.gzБаза: ogomusic_ogom
Question: The dump created by the engine dle. How you can create a base that weighs 160 MB, even smaller than 128 MB?

this database reimported , even if max_alowed_packet equal to 128MB

no one says to create a database less than 128MB on the server have a database size of 2GB bole

it`s about a single packet , it must not exceed 128MB single package insert should not be talgairan size.

Question: I`m afraid I will tire you in your experiments. I can give you access to the old server to migrate the database?



the request sent to the administrator.

Question: Thank you

the database is imported.

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