Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Good afternoon. I have a domain on Your hosting.*.*. Hosting plan I changed. With your Registrar server ordered to transfer to another * domain. Where can I watch moved or not? What data do I give to the webmaster to install the site data? Thank you. Login *.


what kind Of domain is it? You want to provide FTP access to the folder or access data in the control panel of your account?

Question: Domain sell.* and *.* access to the panel data after the replace. Where can I see the domains?
Question: Or how it would be better if FTP then how?

*. add as an additional domain in the control panel
*. Change the DNS on the Registrar`s site
*. Website files upload to the directory specified when you create the domain
http://ded**.net/ aid for use panel



the Details you have provided in the email upon registration, change the password in spanel in the section Change password.

Question: where exactly in control panel to add a domain?

spanel in Additional domains.

Question: It`s me again. I want to add domain \"to sell.*\" Your system says it`s an invalid name.

sweats that it doesn`t exist

only exists xn--**ahqreg.top
 add xn--**ahqreg.top

Question: Eugene. domain sell.* I registered in another platform like *.*. when adding an additional domain translator added, and sell.top no I wrote it *.*? but the name was different? How can I be then? Excuse me if anything, I`m just learning.

add xn--**ahqreg.top

Question: that is otredaktirovat *.* at that what are You saying? And then what ? in the browser I need to sell.*?
Question: I`ll transfer the domain to Your hosting

no nikogo sell.top there are only xn--**ahqreg.top there are no domains with Cyrillic characters, it is a myth, an illusion that creates Your browser. all domains only ATA letters only - do not believe - smotrite



Domen sell.top
Domain Name: xn--**ahqreg.top
the Internationalized Domain Name: sell.top

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