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<< Previous       how to configure DKIM?

Question: Good day!I`ve already set up MX and SPF, but can`t find how to make DKIM setup?Included this review, but there are automatically assigned to my old (main) domain, which is now no longer used samsonshop.infoСейчас I need to aversadvertising.com, please help to do it.


Check amps. You want to put the main domain < / span>aversadvertising.com?

Question: No, I do not quite understand - how it is configured.The primary domain do not touch. If the DKIM record can be in only one domain in the account - the question is removed. When I set up MX and SPF I chose the domain for which it can be done.



the Question referred to the administrator, wait for amp.


you have  DKIM

Question: Did I understand correctly that it only turns on and off? Not configured?The fact that this domain is my client. His mail is through the mail.ru, who has sent him their DKIM setup such:- - - - - To configure DKIM signature, you need to add DNS record:Type — Thtime subdomain — mailru._domainkeyЗначение — v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiqkbgqddjoyjt/Xoh5bHE1vlPEyWdLBLEVINXs+jAelp1MOi7JDtgj3NavffUbUVP9a2dCC3hwvcwf8s+Wn0qcBP0pd7kJ7cRiaswUsknp2nY81WU3+PSNIMKR7B1Zs3NVgFS7xLHHVjkq4HSjd8gqishv5lcb2zx6hh4gyenfgbxv2irwidaqabбудет to work his mail with my current settings?

the Question referred to the administrator, wait for amp.


entry amended

Question: Thank you!!!
Question: Looked in the panel - DKIM still only one, i.e. the entry is not added, and replaced. So now I have to just account this key - from mail.ru?Will it affect other domains?

DKIM records przhevalska the domain , not the domains. you have swistak domain     samsonshop.info prescribed specified entry


Question: I wrote this entry I need to aversadvertising.com. Since the panel I can not do (no money for editing), please write a specified record for the domain aversadvertising.com

prescribed for aversadvertising.com

Question: Thank you!!!


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