Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Can`t sign in to cPanel.The credentials are the same as in this panel?

Details sent to [email protected]

Question: Thanks, but now a new problem. It seems after login attempts on the ssh server banned the IP. Please check. And why not get set up ssh access

For what purpose You require SSH?

Question: The setup, editing, and so on. The question of course is weird) So the work is built.
Question: Now stopped to let on cPanel

we have no access to ssh on the host

Question: Hmm, why the panel has this setup?
Question: And keys generate gives

what is the setting? we do not provide for shared hosting with ssh access.

Question: in cPanel there is a section ssh access. Here on this and thought there is such a possibility.
Question: Well, if this is not possible, we will try. Please unlock the access panel.

access is not blocked

Question: Just stopped by the page to be loaded. Click the login to cPanel and quiet
Question: ERRORThe requested URL could not be retrievedThe following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: to failed.The system returned: (110) Connection timed outThe remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.Your cache administrator is webmaster.

where you see it and from what ip you work?

Question: In the browser, where else can see?

the block is cleared.


Question: More thanks!
Question: Again, please tell me by domain
Question: entered ns server domain that was previously. how soon it will be possible to contact him ?

DNS updates on side your Internet provider, so everything depends on him.

Question: Understand you. On the hosting you have what it need additional configuration? or it will work?

you have already changed the DNS. now we need dodoties their updates from your Internet provider.

Question: OK thanks

thank you for contacting the technical support

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