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Question: Good afternoon, tell me please, is there any way to display the subdomains: http://lorettishop.dev3.core.lvНа our hosting dev3.core.lv - is the main domain. I`m trying to create a subdomain http://lorettishop.dev3.core.lv but it doesn`t work.Thank you!With respect,Maxim

Hello. what DNS are the domain dev3.core.lv?

Question: dev3.core.lv - is just \"a\" record to Your IP: dev3.core.lv. 14400 IN A the domain core.lv to be on another server.

then the subdomains you need to set exactly the same on that DNS server where your domain

Question: Okay, thanks for the reply! Have a nice day!
Answer: Since the issue has been resolved, we are closing this ticket. In case, in Your opinion, an unsatisfactory answer, You can always create a new one or reopen this ticket with my answer.

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