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Question: Good afternoon, I transferred a WordPress website on Your hosting, and found that the current version of MySQL does not suit me, could You change MySQL for julialaser.zp.ua in MySQL 5.5.3 ? With respect Eugene


the MySql Version has not changed, she`s the only one on the entire server, we can re-create Your accout on another server, which version < / span>5.6.3.


the server is version 5.5.52 , she udovletvoryaet your requirements

Question: Thank you for your answer, the Thing is that when you import a database, issue #1273 - Unknown collation: `utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci` collate Is not available on the server if You will be able to move me to a newer MySQL server with this collatia, I`ll be immensely grateful.

the Question referred to the administrator, wait for amp.

Question: Thank you

agronite the dump to the hosting and soobshaet a database have to do the import

Question: The dump is located in /public_html/u515796721_yulia.sqlИмортировать in database: julialas_laserБлагодарю

Thank you, that appealed to customer support.


import manufactured

Question: Thanks, the base is, but it seems no grant permissi, Wordpress cannot make the request:http://julialas.testv1.testforhost.com/wp-admin/We were able to connect to the database server (which means your username and password is okay) but not able to select the julialas_laser database.

add user permissions to database


Question: Sorry, found the menu edit permissi. It worked. Thank you!


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