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Question: Please check what I did wrong.http://***.*.*-not working вообщеhttp://***.*.* throws it is not clear where http://***.*.*.*-why google detects it as a virus if I took it all down and put from zero?

the domain lux**.com.ua you have not added it in control panel. do it

as accitate the browser cache

Question: http://***.*.*-earned thank you.http://***.*.* throws it is not clear where http://***.*.*.*-why google detects it as a virus if I took it all down and put from zero?The cache is cleared

potamu that googlr brought the website to its database and you must napistim that they removed it from there

Question: Last question why am I here throwing http://***.*.*.*

you have zacchiroli the response from the server when you first logged on to the domain. clear the cache of the browser

just upload the files to the folder.

Question: clearing cache does not help, You normally comes to your site?I`m even in the admin area of joomla I can not go

the Site offers a worldwide https://tools.pingdom.com/#!/djUUc*/http://lux**.kiev.ua

Question: Many thanks for the help


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