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Question: Please tell me can I upgrade PHP?When I change the version, it stops working on the website *.


you can install any php version in the control panel in the menu - choice of php



Yes, you can. To change the PHP version in cPanel in the section Select PHP Version.


please Check the rights for folders and files.
the Law must be just *** files *** folders. Law *** is prohibited and does not require
In the file .htaccess should not be of type php settings php_value, php_flag. php is running as cgi and the parameters entered in the php files.ini .
Error You can see in the control panel, the error Log

Question: In the file .htaccess suPHP_ConfigPath /home/andbrus/php.ini order allow,deny deny from all
Question: I don`t quite understand what I need to do

If the version of Php on *.* you site will not work with versions of PHP *.* you website works. You are using banned team RNR?

Question: I just choose a version and a * do not change anything.
Question: The website only works for version *.*. All the rest is not working

So you`re using forbidden directives PHP


please Check now.

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