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Question: Is it possible to change a parameter in PHP? max_execution_time = 512


For what purpose tebuetsya change settings?

Question: I`m trying to fill a Wordpress site using Duplicator plugin, after some time download the plugin gives an error:-----------------------------------------------------server code: 504status: Gateway Time-outresponse:504 Gateway Time-outnginx/1.10.1-----------------------------------------------------So I think that this option you want to change, or am I mistaken?But if you problematic to do it, I basically can figure out another way to transfer files site.

the Question referred to the administrator, wait for amp.



the execution time of scripts is limited on shared hosting 90 seconds

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Question: from the local
Question: Well, do not bother, I`ll do it manually, thought it was fast, but so much time was already taken. I manually would long ago have done everything )


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