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Question: Good afternoon.I had a mistake this родаFatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 12288 bytes) in /home/desserro/public_html/system/library/image.php on line 26На the forum wrote that you need to increase memory_limit.Before that I am not in public_html folder and in the main once you come to web hosting, coqueta accidentally moved the folder still do not know what.It can and for it to come out?Or it is certainly need to increase the memory_limit?


on what engine your website and what are the requirements?


Question: Vrodeby because:PHP 5.2.x fast-cgiApache 2.2.x + 5 suexecMySQL.xImageMagick 6.xGraphicsMagick 1.2 xGD.vklucheno use the exec function in Matsushita restrictions on the number of queries in MySQLPHP memory_limit – 64MbRegister_Globals - offSafe_Mode - offПоддержка utf-8 filesystemПрограммное software installed on serverserver name system (DNS) system-namedСервер FTP proftpd-1.3.2 bБрандмауэр (firewall) ipfwВстроенный HTTPS server microhttpdМенеджер mailing lists minimalist-2.5.3 phpMyAdmin – set of PHP-scripts to manage MySQL phpMyAdmin-3.2.3 MySQL database Server mysql-server-5.0.87 Nginx - a fast and easy WWW server for caching with nginx-0.7.63 phpPgAdmin - set of PHP-scripts to manage PostgreSQL phppgadmin-4.2.2 PostgreSQL postgresql-server-8.3.7 PHP scripting language php5-5.2.11_1Почтовый server (POP3 and IMAP), Mail server (SMTP) sendmail+tls+sasl2-8.14.3_1Webmail – web based e-mail squirrelmail-1.4.20.г2_2Анализатор web server logs awstats 6.95.1 Webserver apache-2.2.13
Question: Before you have to buy domain and hosting I asked how you are Running the engine OsOpenCart!

the Limit is increased. Please check now.

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