Possible solutions of your questions

<< Previous       Not getting emails from the site

Question: Hello! The letter did not come from the site, the site is located here. v1.webguru5.ru


Specify how you have configured sending mail?

Question: Using script PHP. It`s in the folder feedbackНачало here: http://joxi.ru/KAxn5YMS47Kbem

With a mailbox and what is sent.

Question: um, I don`t understand the question. We podkluchenie server mail regular php request

Send a test http://mail-tester.com

Question: I do not understand what you are saying, you can give a full detailed answer, instead of writing line by line as if you vikladivai force answers! Or you that for each message pay separately??? Why your host does not send emails?? All the data I have provided!

otpravte a test email to the service http://mail-tester.com and provide a link to the test result. test will show the quality of your writing.

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