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Question: Hello! Do you protect THEM from Yandex Advisor?

Hello. Specify  what is it?

Question: This extension of Yandex which pages on the Internet ( including your clients) stir the old products from other companies with the minimum prices. One word killer online trading. example photo http://kuzmenov.ru//files/uploads/2015/11/euroset-item-sovetnik.png

 tell me and what does he have to do directly to the hosting? Hosting is only a platform for websites that put customers on their Sith is their own business if it`s not against the rules of hosting. who forbids You not razmeshati this EA on your website. Moreover who forbids you not to use the waste from Yandex?

why did you ostavlyali this plugin?  It`s advertising junk


Question: The fact that this garbage Yandex just did on their own, I`m on your website that would not put. this extension installed in the browser. I`m not good at programming, but as far as I understand this extension takes the information from the site. Here on this and asked whether you have some sort of lock for this kind of things. And that`s not nice when you pay for advertising direct, and such extensions steal customers from the site.

in what browser? in the \"Yandex browser\"? this is also the advertising garbage . an extension to the hosting nikogo. it takes the information from the servers of ANGKASA.

Question: The trouble is that the same garbage from the customers. they seeing best offer leave the site. that`s looking for a solution to this problem.

still don`t understand what does what a trash browser have to do with the hosting. this is the problem of elcotech who uses it. now you asks - whether zawiat of Yandex, answer is. block his robot and he won`t know about your website. nobody will go with Yandex.

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