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Question: Hello! In the file htaccess (without dot in front) prescribed interval IP, who banned the bot. Appeared during the transition to the website is forbidden. Removed - the same. Help, no visits.
Question: Please accelerate. In the admin panel of WP when you press any of the buttons popping up forbidden, i.e. it is not managed and I can`t do anything. The same story was 30.06.2016 I looked, you are safely eliminated.
Question: The same story was not 30.06.2016, and 27.06.2016 (sorry). You removed the rules in htaccess and all was replaced (I have clicked in the module settings blocker bots (put a bird) about blocking in htaccess.

Zdravstvuet. file htaccess (without dot in front)  absolutely no sense. it`s just a file, he did not vliyaet. file name doljno to be .htaccess


what did you do with the site? what did you change?

Question: What changed, is described. Removed in .htaccess code body with the blocker bots. Error persists, the admin, Paul began to work. But... 27.06.2016 wanted to ask.after you have made corrections .htaccess their stako two from that date and later. Pak here, I fixed in .htaccess in late, and the name of the file has changed on cateyyh.html. What is this I don`t understand.Yes, now the site is not reproduced. A copy of the code I have saved, but.... Help.

the website rebate but you made the change do not allow to open links. what you change in .htaccess ? the server has not changed absolutely nothing.

Question: After \"the moneychangers.\" Should read - once not wait for you help, and hereinafter...

what is cateyyh.html ? where is the original file .htaccess ?

Question: I was wrong again, not there looked at both files .htaccess is. I deleted the file .htaccess from 28.10.2016 the block below. Then cut off already blocker bots in the plugin ALL SEO. The problem now for the website visitors: here`s what it produces: Not FoundThe requested URL /kak-prinimat-i-smotret-cifrovoe-televidenie/.html was not found on this server.Apache/2.2.22 (@RELEASE@) Server at deepcool-ma.com Port 80. Below the code that I deleted. (Maybe how to do to worked the second .htaccess -I recall two of them).# BEGIN Blocker harmful ботовSetEnvIfNoCase User-Agent \"Abonti|aggregator|AhrefsBot|asterias|BaiDuSpider|BDCbot|Blekko|BLEXBot|BuiltBotTough|Bullseye|BunnySlippers|ca\\-crawler|CCBot|Cegbfeieh|CheeseBot|CherryPicker|CopyRightCheck|cosmos|Crescent|discobot|DittoSpyder|DotBot|Download Ninja|EasouSpider|EmailCollector|EmailSiphon|EmailWolf|EroCrawler|Exabot|ExtractorPro|Fasterfox|FeedBooster|Foobot|Genieo|GetintentCrawler|grub\\-client|Harvest|hloader|httplib|HTTrack|humanlinks|ieautodiscovery|InfoNaviRobot|InterfaxScanBot|IstellaBot|Java/1\\.|JennyBot|ltx71|k2spider|Kenjin Spider|Keyword Density/0\\.9|larbin|LexiBot|libWeb|libwww - |LinkextractorPro|linko|LinkScan/8\\.1a Unix|LinkWalker|LNSpiderguy|lwp\\-trivial|magpie|Mata Hari|MaxPointCrawler|Microsoft URL Control|MIIxpc|Mippin|Missigua Locator|Mister PiX|MJ12bot|MJ12bot/v1\\.4\\.5|moget|MSIECrawler|NetAnts|NICErsPRO|Niki\\-Bot|NPBot|Nutch|Offline Explorer|Openfind|Open Site Explorer|panscient\\.com|PHP/5\\.\\{|ProPowerBot/2\\.14|ProWebWalker|Python\\-urllib|QueryN Metasearch|RepoMonkey|Riddler|Rogerbot|RMA|SemrushBot|ScoutJet|SISTRIX|sitecheck\\.Internetseer\\.com|SiteSnagger|SnapPreviewBot|Sogou|SpankBot|spanner|spbot|Spinn3r|SputnikBot|suzuran|Szukacz/1\\.4|Teleport|Telesoft|The Intraformant|TheNomad|TightTwatBot|Titan|toCrawl/UrlDispatcher|True_Robot|turingos|TurnitinBot|UbiCrawler|UnisterBot|URLy Warning|VCI|WBSearchBot|Web Downloader/6\\.9|Web Image Collector|WebAuto|WebBandit|WebCopier|WebEnhancer|WebmasterWorldForumBot|WebReaper|WebSauger|Website Quester|Webster Pro|WebStripper|WebZip|Wotbox|Woozweb Monitoring|wsr\\-agent|WWW\\-Collector\\-E|Xenu|Zao|Zeus|ZyBORG|coccoc|Incutio|lmspider|memoryBot|SemrushBot|serf|SputnikBot|Unknown|uptime files|360spider\" bad_botSetEnvIfNoCase Referer \"ahrefs\\.com/getintent\\.com/semalt\\.com/kambasoft\\.com/savetubevideo\\.com/www\\.semrush\\.com/bot/sharebutton\\.net/soundfrost\\.org/srecorder\\.com/softomix\\.com/softomix\\.net/corp\\.sputnik\\.ru/myprintscreen\\.com/joinandplay\\.me/fbfreegifts\\.com/openmediasoft\\.com/zazagames\\.org/extener\\.org/openfrost\\.com/openfrost\\.net/best\\-seo\\-offer\\.com/www\\.Get\\-Free\\-Traffic\\-Now\\.com/best\\-seo\\-solution\\.com/buy\\-cheap\\-online\\.info/site3\\.free\\-share\\-buttons\\.com/sputnik\\.ru/stats\\.ilook\\.ru/webmaster\\-traffic\\.com/mj12bot\\.com/moz\\.com/napoveda\\.seznam\\.cz/www\\.botreports\\.com/www\\.exabot\\.com/stats\\.ilook\\.ru/www\\.proximic\\.com|\" bad_botDeny from env=bad_bot# END Blocker harmful bots# BEGIN WordPressRewriteEngine OnRewriteBase /RewriteRule ^index\\.php$ - [L]RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-fRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-dRewriteRule . /index.php [L]

now don`T touch anything, the site works. remember what you were doing and don`t ask me again

Question: It seems that everything began to work. I deactivated the ad blocker bots, then activated without the rules .htaccess.
Question: I already knew. The fact that the plugin is raw. blocker bots still also does not have a few months to upload a photo. To download,wait 5 minutes it turned off.

please remember all actions before making further Islandia

Question: Hello! Log analysis showed excessive activity http://www.bing.com/bingbot.htm that creates a load on the server. it works with IP=,,, Puerca shows that he hardly has the attitude to SS Bing, as there are offers to buy, think domains.Ban blocker harmful bots type : bingbot, www.bing.com or even www.bing.com/bingbot as the IP in the htaccess file (no dot in front) is useless. To write the same prohibition in robots are useless, although I have not tried it.Do not prompt how to solve this issue, or do help (aware that the IP may change then). The request is considered unsuccessful experience of the \"accident\" two days ago. (There is still a lot of activity http://go.mail.ru/help/robots but it is not clear, it is a useful robot mail.ru or harmful).


these ip really belong to the search bot microsoft


you want to block this robot?

Question: Don`t already know. But all swear by him., and for good reason. Maybe he scans the authenticity of Windows.

no, he`s just trying to become google

Question: Nothing is going to change. All back as it was.


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