Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Good day! Purchased a dedicated IP, but today the site does not work (writes the database was moved to another IP). Tell me where you want to point to the new DNS site?


DNS is modified, the update was supposed to take effect.

please Do a trace to Your domain: start - run - enter cmd - in the black window enter tracert YOUR DOMAIN - after click to highlight - making enter - skopirovat here in the ticket

If You are experiencing zatrudina, view instructional videos http://ded07.net/helphost/tracert.htm

Question: Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601](c) Corporation Microsoft (Microsoft Corp.), 2009. All rights reserved.C:\\Users\\Abbasov_I>tracert intelserv.net.afrassiabi route to intelserv.net.ua []with the maximum number of jumps 30: 1 <1 MS <1 MS 3 ms 2 42 ms 4 ms 1 ms 178-137-31-252-broadband.kyivstar.net [] 3 11 ms 11 ms 11 ms dtel-ix.kyivstar.net [] 4 11 ms 10 ms 10 ms dtel-ix.as6663.net [] 5 38 ms 41 ms 38 ms 6 47 ms 56 ms 55 ms 7 38 ms 38 ms 42 ms the Trace was completed.
Question: Tell me, in the extended panel zone editor on our domain there is such an entry intelserv.net.ua. 14400 IN A, and sent the letter ns1.host27.info IP: ns2.host27.info IP: Can be a problem?In the control panel php my admin base is also missing!

DNS, we have edited, I think in the hour domain You have normally otobrazhatsya.

Question: and what to do with otstutstvie database?

check amps. the name of the database?

Question: slserv_testsait1
Question: this user
Question: the name of the database slserv_sait_2_0

expect the amps. issue involved.

Question: write, please, when the problem will be solved. thank you!

we now await the selection of ip spritenum on the server because the new server is a different version of mysql

Question: and the rest of the table from the database? I now see only 5 pieces!a website is already more than 12 hours

no, it will not be because your account on this server will not. you will be on prezhdnemu servie only on a dedicated ip. t,e we will you will not endure

Question: well we will wait, but if in phpMyadmin dB will not, I will write more

e can not because of bytt omanikuga did not go

Question: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0IOYvsxeDKzLTllYktpMVdHNDA/viewв our database have about 50 tables, and now 5. yesterday 19:00, everything was in order.

you go to the wrong bar

Details sent to [email protected]

Question: details sent to [email protected] makes you go into the panel, try resetting the password also does not work on both the box [email protected] and [email protected]

please Check now.

Question: included. thank you.
Question: The site to work, but without a connection to the database.the error log says that PHP Warning: mysqli_connect(): (42000/1044): Access denied for user `slserv_testsait1`@`localhost` to database `slserv_sait_2_0` This user exists in the panel and attached to Btlogin and password, and database name shown in the configuration file to correspond to what is specified in the panel

please Do a trace to Your domain: start - run - enter cmd - in the black window enter tracert YOUR DOMAIN - after click to highlight - making enter - skopirovat here in the ticket

If You are experiencing zatrudina, view instructional videos http://ded07.net/helphost/tracert.htm

Question: Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601](c) Corporation Microsoft (Microsoft Corp.), 2009. All rights reserved.C:\\Users\\Abbasov_I>tracert intelserv.net.afrassiabi route to intelserv.net.ua []with the maximum number of jumps 30: 1 <1 MS 3 ms <1 MS 2 8 ms 1 ms 1 ms 178-137-31-252-broadband.kyivstar.net [] 3 14 ms 11 ms 11 ms dtel-ix.kyivstar.net [] 4 10 ms 10 ms 10 ms dtel-ix.as6663.net [] 5 38 ms 38 ms 70 ms 6 53 ms 57 ms 45 ms 7 38 ms 38 ms 39 ms the Trace was completed.C:\\Users\\Abbasov_I>

you have neonopolis DNS

Question: They will be updated automatically?and yet, in the panel under SSL/TLSУправление nodes SSLОпять there was a warning that there is no dedicated IP

you currently do not have a dedicated ip we look forward to his connections.

Question: Tell me, how long is the connection dedicated IP.

we expect the data center allocation of ip. the hosting service shall be extended until the dedicated ip

Question: Well, tell me more, are there instructions on connecting the ssl certificate in the panel. In sections I of this FAQ question not found

we ustnovit You a certificate

Question: Thank you

only you have the key to tell it to you in the mail came

Question: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIFWDCCBECgAwIBAgIQP+yuopDcFf5yoeSa7bWiITANBgkqhkiG9w0baqsfadcb kDELMAkGA1UEBhMCR0IxGzAZBgNVBAgTekdyzwf0zxigtwfuy2hlc3rlcjeqma4g A1UEBxMHU2FsZm9yZDEaMBgGA1UEChMRq09nt0rpienbiexpbwl0zwqxnja0bgnv BAMTLUNPTU9ETyBSU0EgRG9tYWluIFZhbglkyxrpb24gu2vjdxjlifnlcnzlcibd QTAeFw0xNjEwMjgwMDAwMDBaFw0xNzEwmjgymzu5ntlamfgxitafbgnvbastgerv bWFpbiBDb250cm9sIFZhbGlkYXRlZDEUmbiga1uecxmlug9zaxrpdmvtu0wxhtab BgNVBAMTFHd3dy5pbnRlbHNlcnYubmV0lnvhmiibijanbgkqhkig9w0baqefaaoc AQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA2keCulOpFDqc6I7dz1a5tsi1kb403hama2ih/FiJo3U+IGyP fxuqAzDpzAMogjwATcX1/ZBruAwKWXvoQUFTvojziDH/jjbmr2g93icSXJrtXCsw TdffR+cQq5Mq87pD7+ciwkVzPak+t9ic5BUUgGNDnpL4lnlGmdVbXLIRpMCCj45k PF+FszDJsQeiaSrdUouhuNb8YuFoHDLQN8Xnsgp6lwr84lyaluuj2tbgkca1rn5e 5Q1FtDGhI43oa/W8ReMGNdbd8ojoFKnThr7hQDMJdw9VHqgu+eZch9ZNSQnZ26rW 0G8HrKlzq2URUn64dhXyfnypvAyHHieSwqdu2qidaqabo4ib4zccad8whwydvr0j BBgwFoAUkK9qOpRaC9iQ6hJWc99DtDoo2ucwhqydvr0obbyefjekstjthamcyzg/ Db0nx9piuCTaMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIFoDAMBgNVHRMBAf8EAjAAMB0GA1udjqqw MBQGCCsGAQUFBwMBBggrBgEFBQcDAjBPbgnvhsaesdbgmdogcysgaqqbsjebagih MCswKQYIKwYBBQUHAgEWHWh0dHBzOi8vc2vjdxjllmnvbw9kby5jb20vq1btmagg BmeBDAECATBUBgNVHR8ETTBLMEmgR6BFhknodhrwoi8vy3jslmnvbw9kb2nhlmnv bS9DT01PRE9SU0FEb21haW5WYWxpZGF0aw9uu2vjdxjlu2vydmvyq0euy3jsmigf BggrBgEFBQcBAQR5MHcwTwYIKwYBBQUHmakgq2h0dha6ly9jcnquy29tb2rvy2eu Y29tL0NPTU9ET1JTQURvbWFpblZhbGlkyxrpb25tzwn1cmvtzxj2zxjdqs5jcnqw JAYIKwYBBQUHMAGGGGh0dHA6Ly9vY3Nwlmnvbw9kb2nhlmnvbtaxbgnvhreekjao ghR3d3cuaW50ZWxzZXJ2Lm5ldC51YYIQaw50zwxzzxj2lm5ldc51ytanbgkqhkig 9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAXMJ45QzxtFRUwDjrsr2wagbx5ueaa2bevzaijflcte/TGp8x Fm0HQyeNM+KHFdsKsO5zCRb6oCWC+DP5e9d3ssqUK4hv/rX4zZ6YpTbYL707krix URXi8l7hIIXdvaH0J/DG0OPECjNHwul5WtYOmJl5ktX4dpzZxfsz9s7lo201lyip VytKEWg7jOKCakdZJFZXkPh3nQr5IXP8q/HQcRRbzcWJmljVMV0I7bOMjDb8es8/ SOLiLoM74V9q9QWsJx/28D3sohhnPb19Ok/iCm1Q0d/aR+po1YzJmRBouyMagAAs 3MFjXm6ZVSnlXYjMZH4FzeVSkHptqfDluke60w== ----- END CERTIFICATE-----

no, it`s a certificate, and you need a key

Question: -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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-----END PRIVATE KEY-----



the certificate is installed.

Question: now when you open the website says \"connection not secure\"

certificate of ustanoven if shows such message, it means You have chicken satay is propisanni links with the prefix http://  You need to fix out in the code or DB, depending on where they are stored, then it should work.

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