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<< Previous       Created a subdomain, but can`t access it via

Question: Hello! Help to understand please with the subdomain. I have a primary domain onufriychuk.com I created a subdomain \"photo2\" and pointed to the root folder public_html for him. I had piddomon and the folder public_html\\photo2. I also have the same subdomain, but of course with a different name \"rent\". In the end, I can access rent.onufriychuk.com no problem, but if you are trying to open photo2.onufriychuk.com then access it there. In the folder photo2 created a simple index.php with the conclusion of \"Hello\" for the test. But this file is not fulfilled. Please tell me what I did wrong?Thank you


at http://photo2.onufriychuk.com/ we see Hello

Question: I have also displayed. Maybe something with the cache was, though I did ctrl+f5Спасибо!


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