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Question: On my website psi-universum.com disappeared all drawings and pdf files. A couple of pieces I restored. Please return all back.Sincerely, S. plachinda


what kind of pictures and files editrici? where omenahotelli?



Specify the full path to the folder which contained files.

Question: For example: http://psi-universum.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Cosmological-Redshift-at-Stationary-Universe.pdf

please wait.


what were you doing on the website? after some of your actions files are gone?


what were you doing on the website? after some of your actions files are gone?

 just let us know when they disappeared because in became none

Question: A few days ago all the files were: I went to fix a couple of grammatical errors in the last page (put a week ago). After you checked - everything was in order. Today I went to fix on this page grammatical errors. Fixed. After that I decided to look this page. It turned out that the main stationary page without the picture. Got to watch the rest. Was all the media files available. No operations, in addition to correcting grammatical errors, I didn`t do.

in became also no, it means ID or fiction, or they were removed long ago. utochnyat when you have downloaded them.

Question: All figures and all pdf files were in place a few days ago. The last drawing for the last page has been downloaded 08/Jan/2017. Then all was in place. 3-4 days too, was all right. Articles and pictures uploaded to the website of 2015... was not a Problem, in addition to the hacking attempts, which you once wrote to me and asked to change the password. I changed the password, and then everything calmed down.

in the backup roll 5 Feb files no, so they are deleted before the backup

Question: I would have seen the lack of drawings. That is, I have the option, namely to load all over again? I need to have on your computer a backup of my page on your server or mirror to do? Or both?And what can I do to make the situation not happen again? Because this much time is necessary for recovery.

do you Have the pictures?

Question: Is. I have a website duplicated on a home computer on a Open Server.

Upload them to folders, folder names and file names can be seen in the errors in the browser console, and then they will be displayed.

Question: Okay, thank you.


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