Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Zdrastvuite.Proanaliziroval vashy ceny dlya SSL certifikaty, i ne poniatno chem otlichayutsa ot odin drugoi?Potom, if reshusi kupiti, kakoi iz nih podhodil by dlya moih saitov? Odin is certifikat aktiven dlya saitov [brandy craft] kotorye imeyu na VPS?Spasibo.


being Able to spend time on trial with other certificates, the first certificate more th dostaochno. Certificat is issued for a certain domain and subdomains, it does not apply (there are certificates which work with subdomains, but they are very expensive).

For registration certificate , You can vospolzovatsya section in Your account \"Order SSL certificate\".



When ordering, You will be asked the CSR code that You can compile the example at:


received a letter, don`t waste, it need to install the certificate.

Question: A pochemu na ceny sertifikaty razdel s iz moego lichnogo kabineta - \"Zakazat` sertifikaty\" otlichayutsa silino ot ceny kotorye u vas na etoi stranicy https://era.host/ru/tarif-ssl.php

this is a little different certificates, and they are only running cPanel.

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