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Question: Hello, is it possible to pay the necessary (nedotjagivala) up to 1 year money and to get discounts and also free domain?

You have a year ago was payment for the year.... You have not paid for preferential expired year, so don`t pay extra for that.

You can extend the hosting for a year, the rest would be added and then there will be new bonuses.

Question: Want to extend the hosting for a year, offering me to renew the old domain, I want to register a new what to press?

just extend the hosting for a year without renewal of domain

then You have in your account profile Domains - Dom Hena for free will appear bonuses, IHI and poolseite to register a new domain.

Question: extended - nothing appeared

place your order for your desired domain name and let the amps. us.

Question: binaryoptionsforum.ru

Fill in the form for the domain BB Your member account to register a domain.

Question: did

Domain submitted for registration, to Park a new domain in Your cPanel, under \"Additional domains\". After some time a new domain needs to take effect and bbudut available to You.

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