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Question: Hello!The question whether a transfer of the site, not through changing the DNS server as we did previously with other websites, and through the creation of a mirror ?How to do it ?How do they differ ?Is it a good idea ?


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Question: When you change the NS servers at the provider it is cached and you need to wait some time to change.There is an option of transferring from the host to the hosting, which CSN will be \"instantly\" without these delays spill over ?

DNS varies from Registrar, update the DNS requires more time from your provider. If you want your website immediately available to you at the new address then write in the hosts file the IP address of the new server and the domain name of the website and restart the computer.

Question: Ie for instant shifts, changes are locally and globally need to wait for other users or to change the data in the hosts ?

there to accelerate it may not work, because each provider updated DNS information with some periodichnosti. what he wants, and while he doesn`t update the data his users will be the old domain configuration.

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