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Question: Hello you need to perform and say the cost of installing protection website https://autoparts.net.ua/ from parsing :the Principle of protection the following is a real user has a random number of clicks on our website with the chaotic periodicals and different time spent on the site; the parser has a strictly systematic periodicals to the aforementioned characteristics, defined \"enemy\" as a programmer. Such visits need to calculate and ban for a maximum time-out of the parser ( or something else). Generally something like this. Our site is very small and to put it in less than an hour. While our competitors won`t need a lot of time to spend on parsing Allegro. Allegro will remain as a Supplement. Our goal at optimum number of positions to lay in every position maximum information for the consumer, which is not cheap. For this you need your work to be protected. Waiting for an answer.


the Question referred to the administrator, oggidata amps.


Hello. unfortunately we have no such services. but we`ll help You install if you tell what Concertone should be. Maybe this can be implemented by means of standard bitrix with the appropriate plugins . Describe the technical support of Bitrix task.

Question: the response from Bitrix :Small business edition of the missing functionality for the control activity. We know what tools in linux can be set to a value. Can you set a limit? For example: block user/bot 500 h if it is made within 12 seconds more than 16 hits on the website.

unfortunately we do not know what they gvoril. for the server there are no such units of izmereniya as \"user\" . the request is sent to the administrator but we can`t make any promises in this case is not the modem because I do not know what they meant.

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