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Question: Welcome, Jack!I asked a question to a resource: https://ru.wordpress.org/такой question:\"Previously the website g-unitcity.net worked fine. Now he began to limp: is loaded, but every other team does not see and is displayed in this picture: https://itmages.ru/image/view/5641695/f92ac1f0Если once again to overload the same page, the site loaded correctly. All my attempts to rectify the situation have not led to success. Maybe some plugin is to blame?What could be the reason of such behavior of the site?I theirs so experts said, the Beginning of quotes:the Most frequent cause of error 500 (Internal Server Error, internal server error) is the incorrect syntax of the file .htaccess or the presence of unsupported directives. Often enough to comment out the Options Directive (you need to put in the beginning of the row the grid — #), and the problem will disappear.Error 500 can also occur due to improper handling of CGI scripts:CGI scripts must have line endings in UNIX format (\\n), not Windows format (\\r\\n). For this you have to download them to the server via FTP in ASCII mode.CGI scripts and folders in which they are located must be writeable only to the owner, that is to have permissions 0755 (drwxr-xr-x).As a result of work CGI scripts formed the incorrect HTTP response headers. In this case, to solve the problem, it is useful to refer to the error_log (it can be found in the control panel under \"host / Statistics / Log files / Error\").\"End quote response.Here are all the contents of my .htaccess file:# BEGIN WordPressIfModule mod_rewrite.cRewriteEngine OnRewriteBase /RewriteRule ^index\\.php$ — [L]RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-fRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-dRewriteRule . /index.php [L]/IfModule# END WordPressВ it Options directives not have been.You need to look in the logs what`s causing the error.Jack, can connect You and your characteristic competent actions will help to rectify the fault?Thank you.


what is the address you can see the error?

Question: In this case, to solve the problem, it is useful to refer to the error_log (it can be found in the control panel under \"host / Statistics / Log files / Error\").\" I pointed out the place. Isn`t this place located?

we meant on the website where you can see?

Question: I don`t know. Maybe this information will bring:https://webgyry.info/gde-logi-na-vashem-servere http://linksfree.ru/content/logi-serverahttp://www.master-live.ru/kak-posmotret-logi-servera.htmlhttps://yandex.ru/search/?text=Как%20найти%20логфайлы%20на%20сайте%3F&clid=2207714&lr=213

sorry but we sprashivala about the logs and about the site page where you can see error

in the log You only have

10-Apr-2017 19:53:41 UTC] WordPress Database returned an error Duplicate entry `` for key `PRIMARY` in response to a query INSERT INTO `wp_wtc_log` (`IP`, `Time`, `IS_BOT`, `IS_HIT`) VALUES (``, 1491854020, 0, 1), performed require(`wp-blog-header.php`), require_once(`wp-includes/template-loader.php`), include(`/themes/GreenEnergy/404.php`), get_sidebars, get_sidebar, locate_template, load_template, require_once(`/themes/GreenEnergy/sidebar.php`), dynamic_sidebar, call_user_func_array, widget_traffic_counter, view

Question: Open the Chrome browser (!!!). Recruited g-unitcity.net.and then click on the link of any website and every click through you get this kind of picture: https://itmages.ru/image/view/5642607/c436053eВот this is the incorrect page. Their darkness!

the fact of the matter that did not come across, therefore I asked.

Question: You have the website open properly in Chrome?

the website  g-unitcity.net and website links displayed.

Question: On my computer they are like this in Chrome:https://itmages.ru/image/view/5642754/d0badbf4Дополнительно checked out two places in my city (I phoned with my friends) and they replied that the website opens in one attempt.By the way, I have installed another browser, Vivaldi and the site works correctly (I`m not gonna lie!). However, I all will not make, install Vivaldi.
Question: And here it is in FF:https://itmages.ru/image/view/5642793/58e054fc
Question: Your browser cache cleared, just in case.

the problem is checked. to the UK she has nothing


please Check now.

Question: Welcome, Jack!https://itmages.ru/image/view/5645414/46389a4b

try to disable some plugins on the site.

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