Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Failed to send email.Possible cause: the server is disabled the mail () function.When you try to send the password by email, if you forgot the password, you cannot restore through the mail.


Check amps. where exactly You see this error?

Question: When you try to send the password by email from the site http://www.livnews.ru/

you have php mail zablokirovan n/r from your account was sent spam from hacked sites

Question: You really jam... already have dealt with this issue, you are blocking the account without warning, then shut off host functions, why the hell do you get money if you need to fix the admin all the possibilities ?

in the rules of the hosting stated that spamming is unacceptable in any form, your fault or not.


/home/lensmen/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/sort-94.php IS the virus!

he makes in the folder uploads?

and here.

a Vulnerability in the scripts (2)
/home/lensmen/public_html/teleservise.ru/engine/classes/min/index.php - AFD : MINIFY : CVE-2013-6619
/home/lensmen/public_html/wp-content/themes/newstube/includes/timthumb.php - RCE : TIMTHUMB CVE-2011-4106,CVE-2014-4663


for some prichny you have not removed the vulnerability?

the function\\ php mail to You will not open because the site is vulnerable, contains viruses, and the possibility of download via the vulnerability of the site.




if the question was considered by kako IPrice still You have not decided? Ploce on the website. why is still not closed issue?

Question: How do you suggest I go in admin area http://livnews.ru ?

at admin. the password can be postwait in phpmyadmin

if this is a serious problem we can include You on nekotore php mail what would you have done vosstanovlenie parole. but then again disconnect until not Ustronie problem.

don`t forget to remove the virus

Question: Okay, but I can not understand where you see the virus ? Highlight what you think is a virus here is the file /teleservise.ru/engine/classes/min/index.php?php/** * Front controller for default Minify implementation * * DO NOT EDIT! Configure this utility via config.php and groupsConfig.php * * @package Minify */if( !defined( `E_DEPRECATED` ) ) { @error_reporting ( E_ALL ^ E_WARNING ^ E_NOTICE ); @ini_set ( `error_reporting`, E_ALL ^ E_WARNING ^ E_NOTICE );} else { @error_reporting ( E_ALL ^ E_WARNING ^ E_DEPRECATED ^ E_NOTICE ); @ini_set ( `error_reporting`, E_ALL ^ E_WARNING ^ E_DEPRECATED ^ E_NOTICE );}@ini_set ( `display_errors`, true );@ini_set ( `html_errors`, false );define(`MINIFY_MIN_DIR`, dirname(__FILE__));// load configrequire MINIFY_MIN_DIR . `/config.php`;require \"$min_libPath/Minify/Loader.php\";Minify_Loader::register();Minify::$uploaderHoursBehind = $min_uploaderHoursBehind;Minify::setCache( isset($min_cachePath) ? $min_cachePath : \",$min_cacheFileLocking);if ($min_documentRoot) { $_SERVER[`DOCUMENT_ROOT`] = $min_documentRoot; Minify::$isDocRootSet = true;}$min_serveOptions[`minifierOptions`][`text/css`][`symlinks`] = $min_symlinks;// auto-add targets to allowDirsforeach ($min_symlinks as $uri = $target) { $min_serveOptions[`minApp`][`allowDirs`][] = $target;}if ($min_allowDebugFlag) { $min_serveOptions[`debug`] = Minify_DebugDetector::shouldDebugRequest($_COOKIE, $_GET, $_SERVER[`REQUEST_URI`]);}if ($min_errorLogger) { if (true === $min_errorLogger) { $min_errorLogger = FirePHP::getInstance(true); } Minify_Logger::setLogger($min_errorLogger);}// check for URI versioningif (preg_match(`/&\\\\d/`, $_SERVER[`QUERY_STRING`])) { $min_serveOptions[`maxAge`] = 31536000;}if (isset($_GET[`g`])) { // well need groups config $min_serveOptions[`minApp`][`groups`] = (require MINIFY_MIN_DIR . `/groupsConfig.php`);}if (isset($_GET[`f`]) || isset($_GET[`g`])) { // serve! if (! isset($min_serveController)) { $min_serveController = new Minify_Controller_MinApp(); } Minify::serve($min_serveController, $min_serveOptions); } elseif ($min_enableBuilder) { header(`Location: builder/`); exit();} else { header(\"Location: /\"); exit();}

/home/lensmen/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/sort-94.php IS the virus!


convincing prosjba not allow the code in the ticket.


Question: You gave me ssilku on 2 files, I asked you where you see the virus in the second that I gave ?

we gave You the link


You opened it?

it says
These files may be malware or hacker scripts (1)
Display records
Search:the Way to Change properties of a content Change Size


as we have written in plain text  

/home/lensmen/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/sort-94.php IS the virus!


and the cause for which he was on the website may be atom

Vulnerabilities in scripts (2)
/home/lensmen/public_html/teleservise.ru/engine/classes/min/index.php - AFD : MINIFY : CVE-2013-6619
/home/lensmen/public_html/wp-content/themes/newstube/includes/timthumb.php - RCE : TIMTHUMB CVE-2011-4106,CVE-2014-4663


This is NOT a virus, it`s vulnerability of Your site

there are specified codes vulnerabilities 

specifically the vulnerability of the file code which You brought


type the string into google and find its description


Question: deleted via FTP, email and not working still

vulnerability you`ve eliminated?

Question: Yes, the first file is deleted, the second did as writes разработчикhttps://dle-news.ru/bags/v10/1580-potencialnaya-ugroza-v-module-minify.html


php mail is opened

astranet recent vulnerability

Question: check now on vulnerability, I threw the creaking Dolittle in the root, it kind of shows everything is clean


Question: All like the file was updated as stated https://code.google.com/p/timthumb/

ok. change the password of the site administrator

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