Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Hello, when you enter a domain into the search bar, it gives a 403 and 404 error. Here domain http://b2bkovrov.ru listed as the primary. And Catalog for this domain contains the files. A directory of web site /home/b2bkovro/public_html site Files which you want to place lay here https://yadi.sk/d/zR-k7Bhl3EmNJ6 Help please in placing or prompt decision.


the files domain     b2bkovrov.ru should be in the public_html folder

zagruzat them in her

the link which You given for the server is available.

you can upload files via ftp or via the file Manager pane. if the data in the archive, we will help to deal with them.

Attention! the only supported tar or zip  archives

RAR 7zip is not supported too


Details sent на:[email protected]

Question: Yeah thanks, I forgot about them


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