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Question: Hello!When trying to download the file via FTP\"Status: Starting upload of /home/mate/Desktop/new-york_mini.zipСтатус: Getting directory listing...Command: PASVОтвет: 227 Entering Passive Mode (138,201,178,152,171,11).Team: MLSDОтвет: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for MLSDОтвет: 226 Transfer completeКоманда: PASVОтвет: 227 Entering Passive Mode (138,201,178,152,166,113).Command: STOR new-york_mini.zipОтвет: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for new-york_mini.zipОшибка: Could not write to transfer socket: EPIPE - Local endpoint has been closedОтвет: 452 Transfer aborted. No space left on deviceОшибка: file Transfer failed after transferring 378,0 KB in 1 secondshttp: Getting directory listing...Command: PASVОтвет: 227 Entering Passive Mode (138,201,178,152,176,19).Team: MLSDОтвет: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for MLSDОтвет: 226 Transfer completeСтатус: the List of directories removed\"


Check amps. the size of the files being uploaded.

Question: Was 800, he didn`t loading, loaded only 720 MB, reduced to 540, appeared this error.The logic could be the opposite.

utochnyat AK configured Your ftp client

Question: \"utochnyat AK configured Your ftp client\"what do you mean ?

meaning the connection settings. smaller files are transferred correctly? what is the average download speed?

Question: Well before this 720мб archive left, with an average 120кб, now creates a file called files and 0 Bytes, and the error which I stated above in the FTP log

you have run out of minutes on the disc. clean place

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