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Question: Good afternoon, today after installing the engine XenForo I popped up the error 503, I was told that this is because of an error connected with the fact that the server does not have enough resources to solve the tasks, or the amount of memory or script execution time is limited. can I ask you to raise the value of max_execution_time from 30 to 90 or 100? also if possible, can I increase memory_limit? Thanks in advance!

Hello. the server has enough resource but you are not on the server but on shared hosting where there are restrictions for users

inform what settings are required for normal operation.

Question: if memory_limit can be increased to 256 MB and max_execution_time to increase from 30 to 100.

Request speregen administrator

Question: Thanks for the help!

please Check now.

Question: If it is possible to change the value of max_execution_time to 300, thanks in advance.

the request sent to the administrator.

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