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<< Previous       504 Gateway Time-out

Question: Hello again.our site went down - 504 Gateway Time-out.you don`t see what`s the reason?thank you.


Hello. cause in the long run of your script. more unfortunately we can not see


Question: but most importantly, it`s not a DDoS attack I hope?

no, this error means that the script did not have time to perform their actions in a certain timeout

Question: Hello again.you probably know that yesterday was the largest virus attack worldwide, including affected Kazakhstan. Could we become a victim of this attack? about the scripts - we will certainly handle this in the MIDD. time, but one of the reasons could be the lack of RAM. we have changed the tariff for ELITE - pita we change the settings and increase the memory limit.thank you.

Your data plan changed.

Where You do not have enough memory?

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