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Question: Dobrii den,Ya ne mogu zaiti na index.html, ne otkrivaetsya i eto vidaet soobshenie:ForbiddenYou don`t have permission to access /index.html on this server.Chto-to s pravami?Vlad

please give a link to the page where you can see the problem. also give a trace to the domain

Question: http://betternegotiations.info/ C:\\Users\\VladGolovin>tracert http://betternegotiations.infoUnable to resolve target system name http://betternegotiations.info.C:\\Users\\VladGolovin>tracert betternegotiations.infoTracing route to betternegotiations.info []over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 1 ms
Question: Tracing route to betternegotiations.info []over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 1 ms

as you sacroilitis? they have the owner root ? it should not be

files coligny belong only to the user

why did you call the user www-root?



please Check now.



you don`t have raboatet on the server as root unless absolutely neobhodimosti. you have created a user in panelli, rabotite the name of the user

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