Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Hello.Now went and found that page is not working.http://interzarabotok.EN/tv-movie-posters-the-magicians-posters/On the main exits, entries, like all is, but when cross - Ooops... Error 404


Page in the admin site? Have you checked? You setup CNC machine?

Question: All pages - Ooops... Error 404
Question: Yes, there is

you setup CNC machine?

Question: All to one, but when you pass never opens
Question: what is it? no
Question: Yesterday after 12 at night all was OK, the night through Yandex metrics about 1 night watched people visited the site that night something happened

proveriat the presence of the file .htaccess rules pererezali it

Question: I don`t know how to edit it, I don`t know anything .htaccess. Help

Upload new file from your Windows CD or contact the developer forum CMS. We are not aware of the intricacies of your site.

Question: I have yesterday`s copy of the site - if I`m there .htaccess change for those who now, because everything should be OK?

Check. What changes did you made on site?

Question: Yesterday I activated the plugin WP NO External Links kind called, but then removed it, but after removal everything was OK
Question: I replaced .htaccess on a copy when everything worked - not helped

You disabled it before uninstalling? How do you delete it? Upload the file .htaccess from your archive.

Question: But damn it`s kick, what can I do?
Question: I have a full copy of the site the day before - then all worked. I just threw out .htaccess with the replacement - nothing, it`s still not working

Update the browser cache.

Question: No, the phone and with another browser - no..htaccess files from yesterday`s Backup has changed with the replacement - not helped.

From the us site works fine


please Do a trace to Your domain: start - run - 

enter cmd - in the black window enter tracert YOUR DOMAIN - after you finish click select - 

to make the enter - skopirovat here in the ticket 


If You are experiencing zatrudina, view instructional videos http://ded07.net/helphost/tracert.htm

Question: It does not work, only Home works.Look at Yandex Metric, the last visitor was and was able to get to the entry at 04:37 am, it was then that something happened, after that all stopped working then I was sleeping, I didn`t touch anything.
Question: C:\\Users 1>tracert interzarabotok.Gerasimovka route to interzarabotok.ru []with the maximum number of jumps 30: 1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms 2 171 ms * 195 ms 3 * 161 ms 178 ms 4 107 ms 74 ms 119 ms 5 237 ms 196 ms 172 ms 6 * 205 ms 197 ms 7 179 ms 213 ms 205 ms 8 * 260 ms 51 ms 9 241 ms 217 ms 229 ms 10 * 232 ms 258 ms clk06.transtelecom.net [] 11 * 297 ms * frt01.transtelecom.net [] 12 * 208 ms 205 ms decix-gw.hetzner.de [] 13 * 291 ms 298 ms core21.fsn1.hetzner.com [] 14 * * 197 ms ex9k1.rz22.hetzner.de [] 15 261 ms 277 ms 285 ms static. []Trace complete.C:\\Users 1>
Question: I now Backup download the day before yesterday, if a rollback does is because OK should be? Just yesterday, the record will lose
Question: Here is Yandex Metrika - 4 a.m. people went https://metrika.yandex.kz/stat/traffic?period=today&id=32670850после this ceased to operate the site.I was sleeping for a long time - it`s not my fault

the website interzarabotok.ru working on tracing it available to You.

Question: The main works. The rest of the pages do not work, neither the recording nor if you go downstairs from the main to the second page : http://interzarabotok.ru/page/2/ etc main works, all the rest: Ooops... Error 404

you Have .htaccess?

Question: Here .htaccess, the plugin Yoast SEO in the admin panel shows it, please see it right? :# BEGIN WP Rocket v2.8.20# Use UTF-8 encoding for anything served text/plain or text/htmlAddDefaultCharset UTF-8# Force UTF-8 for a number of file formatsAddCharset UTF-8 .atom .css .js .json .rss .vtt .xml# FileETag None is not enough for every server.Header unset ETag# Since we`re sending far-future expires, we don`t need ETags for static content.# developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html#etagsFileETag NoneHeader set X-Powered-By \"WP Rocket/2.8.20\"Header unset PragmaHeader append Cache-Control \"public\"Header unset Last-ModifiedHeader unset PragmaHeader append Cache-Control \"public\"# Expires headers (for better cache control)ExpiresActive on# Perhaps better to whitelist expires rules? Perhaps.ExpiresDefault \"access plus 1 month\"# cache.appcache needs re-requests in FF 3.6 (thanks Remy ~Introducing HTML5)ExpiresByType text/cache-manifest \"access plus 0 seconds\"# Your document htmlExpiresByType text/html \"access plus 0 seconds\"# DataExpiresByType text/xml \"access plus 0 seconds\"ExpiresByType application/xml \"access plus 0 seconds\"ExpiresByType application/json \"access plus 0 seconds\"# FeedExpiresByType application/rss+xml \"access plus 1 hour\"ExpiresByType application/atom+xml \"access plus 1 hour\"# Favicon (cannot be renamed)ExpiresByType image/x-icon \"access plus 1 week\"# Media: images, video, audioExpiresByType image/gif \"access plus 1 month\"ExpiresByType image/png \"access plus 1 month\"ExpiresByType image/jpeg \"access plus 1 month\"ExpiresByType video/ogg \"access plus 1 month\"ExpiresByType audio/ogg \"access plus 1 month\"ExpiresByType video/mp4 \"access plus 1 month\"ExpiresByType video/webm \"access plus 1 month\"# HTC files (css3pie)ExpiresByType text/x-component \"access plus 1 month\"# WebfontsExpiresByType application/x-font-ttf \"access plus 1 month\"ExpiresByType font/opentype \"access plus 1 month\"ExpiresByType application/x-font-woff \"access plus 1 month\"ExpiresByType application/x-font-woff2 \"access plus 1 month\"ExpiresByType image/svg+xml \"access plus 1 month\"ExpiresByType application/vnd.ms-fontobject \"access plus 1 month\"# CSS and JavaScriptExpiresByType text/css \"access plus 1 year\"ExpiresByType application/javascript \"access plus 1 year\"# Gzip compression# Active compressionSetOutputFilter DEFLATE# Force deflate for mangled headersSetEnvIfNoCase ^(Accept-EncodXng|X-cept-Encoding|X{15}|~{15}|-{15})$ ^((gzip|deflate)\\s*,?\\s*)+|[X~-]{4,13}$ HAVE_Accept-EncodingRequestHeader append Accept-Encoding \"gzip,deflate\" env=HAVE_Accept-Encoding# Don`t compress images and other uncompressible contentSetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \\\\.(?:gif|jpe?g|png|rar|zip|exe|flv|mov|wma|mp3|avi|swf|mp?g|mp4|webm|webp)$ no-gzip dont-vary# Compress all output labeled with one of the following MIME-typesAddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/atom+xml \\ application/javascript \\ application/json \\ application/rss+xml \\ application/vnd.ms-fontobject \\ application/x-font-ttf \\ application/xhtml+xml \\ application/xml \\ font/opentype \\ image/svg+xml \\ image/x-icon \\ text/css \\ text/html \\ text/plain \\ text/x-component \\ text/xmlHeader append Vary: Accept-Encoding# END WP Rocket# BEGIN WordPressRewriteEngine OnRewriteBase /RewriteRule ^index\\.php$ - [L]RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-fRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-dRewriteRule . /index.php [L]
Question: Here is a screenshot of the plugin like Yoast SEO you can edit it directly from админкиhttps://yadi.sk/i/YHffjLU43J9mMd

the file should be RewriteEngine On rules which actually form the links

Question: And this is correct? This is from the day before backup. If correct, just remove and insert it? :This is from yesterday`s backup, right? :# BEGIN WP Rocket v2.8.20# Use UTF-8 encoding for anything served text/plain or text/htmlAddDefaultCharset UTF-8# Force UTF-8 for a number of file formatsAddCharset UTF-8 .atom .css .js .json .rss .vtt .xml# FileETag None is not enough for every server.Header unset ETag# Since we`re sending far-future expires, we don`t need ETags for static content.# developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html#etagsFileETag NoneHeader set X-Powered-By \"WP Rocket/2.8.20\"Header unset PragmaHeader append Cache-Control \"public\"Header unset Last-ModifiedHeader unset PragmaHeader append Cache-Control \"public\"# Expires headers (for better cache control)ExpiresActive on# Perhaps better to whitelist expires rules? Perhaps.ExpiresDefault \"access plus 1 month\"# cache.appcache needs re-requests in FF 3.6 (thanks Remy ~Introducing HTML5)ExpiresByType text/cache-manifest \"access plus 0 seconds\"# Your document htmlExpiresByType text/html \"access plus 0 seconds\"# DataExpiresByType text/xml \"access plus 0 seconds\"ExpiresByType application/xml \"access plus 0 seconds\"ExpiresByType application/json \"access plus 0 seconds\"# FeedExpiresByType application/rss+xml \"access plus 1 hour\"ExpiresByType application/atom+xml \"access plus 1 hour\"# Favicon (cannot be renamed)ExpiresByType image/x-icon \"access plus 1 week\"# Media: images, video, audioExpiresByType image/gif \"access plus 1 month\"ExpiresByType image/png \"access plus 1 month\"ExpiresByType image/jpeg \"access plus 1 month\"ExpiresByType video/ogg \"access plus 1 month\"ExpiresByType audio/ogg \"access plus 1 month\"ExpiresByType video/mp4 \"access plus 1 month\"ExpiresByType video/webm \"access plus 1 month\"# HTC files (css3pie)ExpiresByType text/x-component \"access plus 1 month\"# WebfontsExpiresByType application/x-font-ttf \"access plus 1 month\"ExpiresByType font/opentype \"access plus 1 month\"ExpiresByType application/x-font-woff \"access plus 1 month\"ExpiresByType application/x-font-woff2 \"access plus 1 month\"ExpiresByType image/svg+xml \"access plus 1 month\"ExpiresByType application/vnd.ms-fontobject \"access plus 1 month\"# CSS and JavaScriptExpiresByType text/css \"access plus 1 year\"ExpiresByType application/javascript \"access plus 1 year\"# Gzip compression# Active compressionSetOutputFilter DEFLATE# Force deflate for mangled headersSetEnvIfNoCase ^(Accept-EncodXng|X-cept-Encoding|X{15}|~{15}|-{15})$ ^((gzip|deflate)\\s*,?\\s*)+|[X~-]{4,13}$ HAVE_Accept-EncodingRequestHeader append Accept-Encoding \"gzip,deflate\" env=HAVE_Accept-Encoding# Don`t compress images and other uncompressible contentSetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \\\\.(?:gif|jpe?g|png|rar|zip|exe|flv|mov|wma|mp3|avi|swf|mp?g|mp4|webm|webp)$ no-gzip dont-vary# Compress all output labeled with one of the following MIME-typesAddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/atom+xml \\ application/javascript \\ application/json \\ application/rss+xml \\ application/vnd.ms-fontobject \\ application/x-font-ttf \\ application/xhtml+xml \\ application/xml \\ font/opentype \\ image/svg+xml \\ image/x-icon \\ text/css \\ text/html \\ text/plain \\ text/x-component \\ text/xmlHeader append Vary: Accept-Encoding# END WP Rocket# BEGIN WordPressRewriteEngine OnRewriteBase /RewriteRule ^index\\.php$ - [L]RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-fRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-dRewriteRule . /index.php [L]

you do not need to bring a listing of the entire file. it nge make sense. you have a problem in the redirects. vosstanovite the original file with the forwarding rules this will solve the problem

Question: 1) Where can I get it? 2) I Have as many as 4 .htaccess: .htaccess.htaccess1_.htaccesshtaccessКакой one is correct which one to restore, and can I delete the others?
Question: And yet, in the wrong .htaccess it is in the end of RewriteEngine On :# BEGIN WordPressRewriteEngine OnRewriteBase /RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-fRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-dRewriteRule . /index.php [L]This is wrong?

.htaccess only one he has a name .htaccess

.it konfiguracionnye htaccess file. it is individual for each cms , more cms plugins also make  nagog changes. we`en know what file the \"right\"  for your site. we just told You why problem - the problem is neviano configured the mod_rewrite redirects in the file .htaccess. probably they messed up some of the plugins.

Question: The Yoast SEO plugin disabled, it works.Then came from him.But strangely, when I re-enabled all is working correctly.That is, it turns out I just turned off/turned on and everything was OK

significant plugin changes were introduced.

Question: Damn, I`m sorry, he just made ratnerville, do not understand, therefore, yourself and your brain polynosic. Thank you very much.

if you have more questions you can ask them

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