Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Hello.Please tell me, is there somewhere an instruction for installing a subdomain and install WordPress on that subdomain, I message wasn`t working , but you need to create a small site, and no experience.Please tell me where to PdaNet the instruction on installation?Thank you



you nagnaivajutsja on the server as user

later in the section web to add your domain\\subdomain

and then ftp to the download folder of the website files.

in section DB create database

begin  to install by typing the website address in the browser


to specify how the paragraph You have a problem

Question: Thank you , now is.

update for kako ipodgame you put

Question: gadget.topmagazin.netЕще question, what`s the file mysqlback is a backup, as I understand it?

Yes, where you widget this folder?

Question: Here but I can not remove
Question: Another question, zagruzat engine via the FTP Protocol a file or already unpacked?

You can upload and files and files. the files will need to then unzip.

Question: Downloaded archive in fissile to unpack ?
Question: the question is removed , now upload unpacked


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