Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Good day!Prompt, You can set the acceleration module google page speed https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/module/и to make it a basic setup?

Hello. we have  told the panel the module does not support.

Question: what else is the panel? We did not VPS?

moreover, it does not make sense because You have nginx and everything compresses and caches.

Question: https://gtmetrix.com/reports/chicago.kiev.ua/9HibE7ZDНу NO matter how, http://prntscr.com/fu8av0

please Wait.

Question: I think Google are stupid, if you write a module for nginx ? Apparently there are still more functions. We have a problem with download speeds. The customer set the task to speed up the website. So what happens for each request to fight

optimization, You to say the least pomeshaet.


To start optimize images


To compress images you can use this: resources:http://optimizilla.com/EN/


Question: listen, don`t write stupid things, images we already have optimized, and what You see is just an algorithm at Google incorrectly considers the optimization (it thinks the size on the screen appears) and so disproportionately lost. This is not optimization without loss of quality as You thought. Checked three times already!
Question: this is the first. Secondly, if You look waterfall will see that uploading images doesn`t affect speed as everything else. We have a bunch of extra scripts and styles, and we will clean it up, but it still will not change dramatically

perhaps, but the calculation`s by Google and included in the rankings.

Question: what? You know obsurdnost problem?? To make an image that cannot be seen?? Why do it at all then insert
Question: I`m interested in the real speed of loading and rendering and not the module check Google page AIDS with points. It is about anything. And nowhere is this taken into account (if You`re talking about points, so, just in case)

I gave You a link where you specify which images and how many google says, can be compressed, after all they are optimizirovan (namely, all), the value will increase.

Question: well, OK Thanks for the link. But again, no need it
Question: You can see that disabled caching and compression, and write to me about the image! Honestly, I hope You just have not delved into the question, because it is already starting to think that You izdevaas

I have, postlet was solely a recommendation.

For caching and compression, let the list domenec to which you want to connect.

Question: new-york.com.uachicago.keiv.uaeinstein.housebristol.oiei also necessary for all sites at the server level to set Last-Modifiedи if-Modified-Since for php js css because customers zhaluyutsya after updates to wait long for the updates cache in the browser

the Question referred to the administrator, wait for amp.




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