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Question: Hello, tell me please, in the database cocos_joom293 in table jos00 changed the password (by yourself), but after I changed it to your new still can not login to Joomla


is not in the database and never had passwords. the database contains only sifrovany the password hash. why did you decide that he`s changed and how you changed it. in database the password cannot be made, only the hash of the password in MD5.

Question: I made sifrovany the password hash is 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3, and yesterday it changed to another

Ask how you made?

Question: Made 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3 in the password in the _users table jos00

This table does not belong to the database user, only to users-the customers of your website.

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