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Question: http://cedarcity.ru/admin.phpвчера more was revealed, it was not loaded

Hello. what has changed on the website?


you have this file modified today

:/var/www/sunjust/data/www/cedarcity.EN# stat admin.php
File: `admin.php`
Size: 1337 Blocks: 8 IO Block: 4096 regular file
Device: 8f70b611h/2406528529d Inode: 921810 Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 500/ sunjust) Gid: ( 502/ sunjust)
Access: 2017-07-17 09:05:20.333330050 +0300
Modify: 2017-07-17 09:05:16.574342093 +0300
Change: 2017-07-17 09:05:16.574342093 +0300

what did you change?

Question: Yes, I removed the line yesterday put if ($_SERVER[`REMOTE_ADDR`] == ``){ exit();}Wanted to temporarily block one IP, but influence was not.

return the original file

Question: thank you

we see that the link works

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