Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Made a change this morning on their website, still no response.

Hello. utochnit what kind of reaction are you expecting and where? describe the problem in more detail.

Question: Amended text in the website page through the index file.html.Go to the website, the text is not changed. In other cases, the changes occur immediately. In others, only when contacting support.

what changes are we talking? where they myona to see?

Question: In the website public_html folder there is a file index.html containing the text of the page. I replaced with a new one by making changes in the page text. But when I open the village site to the Internet, displays the old page, changes in text are missing.

how do we distinguish the new from the old? predstavite specific data

Question: What do I care how You are different! Changes to the page of the site needs to occur as this usually happens automatically. Contact your supervisor, who in these matters knows, after the address to which the problem is solved.

why did you decide that they don`t happen? you asked, predostavit specific and not abstract data about the problem. provide them. we don`t know why you think you have something not updated. please provide specific data to check

Question: That means in the abstract! Go to their website at: http://mix-see.in.ua/ opens the page with the corresponding text. This text does not correspond to the new text that contains the morning in a new file index.html,

with some text? the text bring in a ticket

konkretny the text \"not available\" or  should  \"prisustvovali\"

the last change to the file was done at 10:30 a.m.

public_html]# stat index.html
File: `index.html’
Size: 9388 Blocks: 24 IO Block: 4096 regular file
Device: fd04h/64772d Inode: 1624997524 Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 1529/ michsee) Gid: ( 1531/ michsee)
Access: 2017-07-17 10:32:03.886671491 +0300
Modify: 2017-07-17 10:30:12.921439389 +0300
Change: 2017-07-17 10:30:12.967438241 +0300


Question: As an example, the new text must be a paragraph missing at this time:\"I Hope that this book will awaken the interest of scientific circles in the study of our environment in a new dimension with the use of new scientific developments and technologies. With the result that humanity will be able to step closer to understanding the structure of our world\".

there is such. to give You screenshot?




Question: I am interested to this is present on the page of my website http://mix-see.in.ua/!

Changes are made immediately. Update as you make changes and how to check.

Question: Check in the usual way. I go to your website from a computer or tablet. This situation has happened, was solved after complaining about the quality of service.

This is not a solution. The solution is providing concrete data and their analysis. You have already brought proof that the file was updated. As you pointed the paragraph?

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