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Question: Hello! I have a problem when registering a free domain name krasilla.mk.ua in the fare Line 2 of my hosting account. I turn to the order page domain name https://ukrline.com.ua/billing.php?do=freedomn , enter site domain name in the Domain field, but in the next field \"Zone\" in which the drop-down list should I choose the area, the drop-down list. In this case, when you try the domain name you enter in the Domain field and clicking the \"Order now\" button the system prompts you to select a zone. Checked in Windows/Linux, different browsers - everywhere the drop-down list with the zone.


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Question: Yes, I see now the drop-down list, therefore I want to ask a clarifying question - in the fare Line 2, I can register a domain name solely in the zones .in.ua and dp.ua or can I register a domain name in the zone mk.ua and dp.ua just implies that it is possible to register a regional domain in any zone (mk.ua, zp.ua etc.)?

You can order the registration or renewal of domain in the zone < / span>.in.ua and dp.ia, and You can buy in any available area.

Question: I understand, thank you very much for your help and advice.

Thank you for opalis support.

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