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Question: Good day, how to access the domain htbm.eu?

Hello. to clarify where you were placed? on Taksim actinote you can not while to place it because you have a fare allows you to host just one domain and it is already in use domain     vivreenfrance.eu

you need to change the rate for domain hosting

Question: How can that be? I paid $ 25. You need to create a new account?

either the new or to change the rate on the current

Question: If I understand correctly one account - single domain. On yaropan I vivreenfrance... panyaro I restorfx-clearfx, which I don`t need. Can I link domain htbm on account panyaro and how to do it?

account panyaro expired 19 days

Question: Going back to the first question))) how to get to htbm.eu? or return the money for the domain?

money for the domain can not return, he has zaregistrirovan. You need to decide where it will be placed. you either register another aquanut or change  at the current rate and add the domain here. choose the most convenient option for you.

Question: I have register hosting with you? Can the points, if not difficult, please)))
Question: Switched to line 2. I understand we are up to 4 domains can I host? Thank you

Yes, that`s right. setschas will change the rate and you can add your domain in the panel menu, - additional domains

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