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Question: How to get ssh access?


Check amps. the purposes for which trebuetsja SSH access?

Question: You need to work with the site through the mc, to archive a folder and make database backup using tar and mysqldump, work with another server via FTP directly uploading files.Also tried to send the file to FTP via php script. The file is sent, but very long - 40 meters per minute. Local computer is sent very quickly, the FTP itself works too quickly, namely PHP has slowed to a crawl - is it possible to fix?

the Question referred to the administrator, wait for amp.


on the shared hosting ssh access is not available. only on the vps.


Question: then we have to do something to send a file via ftp_put didn`t happen for so long.40 MB go more than a minute is not funny


we do not control such sending, scores are always the same on the channel

and should not depend on the dispatch methods


Question: after several tests with multiple FTP see the same picture - upload speed around 100 KB/sec when casting files on an external FTP. and you have in the facts already raised this problem with other user. how to solve this problem?
Question: I tried to send through copy, curl, ftp the result is the same.

the speed of ftp is not limited to hosting.

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