Possible solutions of your questions

<< Previous       There is no access to the site

Question: The site does not work *.*.*


please Do a trace to Your domain: start - run - enter cmd - in the black window enter tracert YOUR DOMAIN - after click to highlight - making enter - skopirovat here in the ticket

If You are experiencing zatrudina, view instructional videos http://ded**.net/helphost/tracert.htm

Question: Microsoft Windows [Version *.*.****](c) Corporation Microsoft (Microsoft Corp.), ****. All rights reserved.C:\\Users\\ruslan>tracert videlka.com.afrassiabi route to videlka.com.ua [**.**.***.**]the maximum number of jumps **: * * ms * ms * ms ***.***.*.* * * * * Timed out for the request. * * * * Timed out for the request. * ** ms ** ms ** ms te-*-*-*-*.br*-lvv*.kyivstar.net [**.**.***.***] * ** ms ** ms ** ms decix*-gw.hetzner.de [**.**.***.***] * ** ms ** ms ** ms core**.fsn*.hetzner.com [***.***.***.***] * ** ms ** ms ** ms*k*.dc*.fsn*.hetzner.com [***.***.***.***] * ** ms ** ms ** ms static.226.***.***.***.clients.your-server.de [***.***.***.***] * ** ms ** ms ** ms vps.videlka.com.ua [**.**.***.**]Trace complete.C:\\Users\\ruslan>

the website works and what you Transervice it available to you. describe the problem in more detail.

Question: Yes, it works now. Yesterday * working computer with three Internet wrote that there is no access. Then to work.

if you have problems with access bring trassilico from, to understand where the problem was. aloneit time when she was

Question: Around **:**

at this time, the data center had a network problem

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