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Question: Good day!Please help me to set DNS servers Domain *.* was https://*.***.*Login *.* password **********.


In the domain settings You have to register:

ns*.server-dns.name  IP:***.***.***.*** 
ns*.server-dns.name  IP:***.***.***.***

IP address may not be specified.

New domain configuration will take effect immediately, on average it requires *-** hours.

Question: the fact is that already prescribed, and the website during the day was available , but today again, the site refers to the old *

ask questions to registrator for some prichny not smangaliso DNS

Question: this is not possible.on the page faq you have found here is :\"If You give us data to manage the domain we prescribe, free of charge. \"Can you help?

Yes, please provide data access the control panel of the Registrar

Question: at the beginning of the ticket is, duplicate Domain *.* was https://*.***.*Login *.* password **********.

And the Russian language have?

Question: that`s all the problem) and support only via telephone)As I understand change is necessary here) https://domains*.***.*domains/*********/*but! it is why it does not((

check the


while attempting to change the MNJ says that

Stato di dominio non valido: Aggiornamento in corso

Question: The same.Now another question, after talking with support , it seems there is something changed .via the whois service displays the following info:; <<>> DiG *.*.*-*+deb*u**-Debian <<>> lemmestore.it-t ANY;; global options: +cmd;; Got answer:;; ->>*: *: *: *****;; *: *: *, *: *, *: *, *: *;; *:; *: *: *, *:; *: ****;; *:;*.*. *:*.*. **** * ***.***.***.****.*. ****** *188.***.***.***.*.*. ****** **.*.*.*.*. ****** *188.***.***.***.*.*. ****** **.*.*.*.*. ***** **.*.*. hostmaster.***.*. ********** ***** **** ****** ****.*. **** *MX ** mx**.***.*.*.*. **** *MX ** mx**.***.*.;; *: ** *: ***.***.***.***#**(***.***.***.***);; *: * ** **:**:** * ****;; *: ***but now the error is *** */*.**.*files to the site, filled in and displayed fine a day ago... in Russia, but with Italy, the website was not available.Provider MegaFon in the day that showed no...In what direction to look?

If  it shows no, then you just need to podojdat until the new nostrike fully updated.

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