Possible solutions of your questions

<< Previous       Can`t get into the folder public_html

Question: With FTP access is closed


the Password for FTP is the same as cPanel.

Question: I went on FTP. But I have all the folders open except public_htmlР’ the public_html folder can`t log in to upload files website.
Question: *** *public_html: *

please Check now.

Question: Works, and why I redirects to http://*.*.*.*.*

please Check now.

Question: not working again, I see http://*.*.*.*.*

Clear the browser cache.

Question: I have tried with anonymous mode and have you tried with another browserpane works
Question: A record has not yet used I just saw the host in hosts your SP
Question: A record has not yet used I just saw the host in hosts your SP
Question: There are solutions to the problem????

the solution to the problem is to specify the correct ip and clear browser cache

Capa RWY have?

Question: **.***.**.*** *.*.*.*.*.*
Question: If for example to take a page http://*.*.*.*.* I see this here *:*.*.*.*.* **)*.*.*.*.

What is the ip you have specified<? True ip ***.***.***.**

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