Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Good day, this question, as is often done RES copy on my plan? Cut copy is made automatically on the side of the host or it needs to be configured in the ISP panel?


Yes, backups are made by the panel upravleniya, and valid You see \"Backup\".

Question: Yes, I saw them a week ago, and I would like to revert to \"yesterday\" (**.**.****) http://*.*

copies of the ISP are created in the following manner, the first backup is complete, subsequent backups are only files and entries in the database which has been changed and added. Ie if there is no backup for the other date, then on the website no changes.

Question: changes were every day, and Bapproval files and restore from those copies that RES was - the website stopped zagruzhatsya could you assist, you must restore all that was for yesterday`s shade, today in **.** a friend of mine accidentally deleted some info

Specify the folder to the site and the name of the database for recovery. We will check in a backup.

Question: The site folder /*farmaboss.*Database *MySQL*localhost (***.***.***.**)http://*.***http://*.*

please Wait.


the Backup is only stored in your account. There is no other. You already restored it?

Question: Tried, turned out not to the end, try to please you

in any sense until the end, check amps.

Question: I tried to restore the DB and the site is not working at all
Question: You try to restore the whole database + files if not work then try to restore the cut copy of old files from my computer

please Wait.


Restored from cut copy, but it looks like there is a problem with the template, it needs to be corrected.

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