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Question: http://*.*.*/Not found php.*put it there Japanese *.*


Specify which one.

Question: `*`

please Check now.

Question: *now the site-wide error *** - in admin area as well
Question: The forums studied all write that it trouble in php.* .... can you help to fix?

brought back. Please wait.

Question: Although it is *I upload this website on LAN all the rules
Question: Yes, the site is now working but the admin area does not get

set up a local web server and our different.

Question: I`m going to try DB again to redo... maybe there is a problem
Question: Have Peresecina database, and uploads all day, the site worked in admin and from the local area. Lokalka I have configured for Your hosting
Question: The error is not gone.... the forums wrote that is from the host... maybe You were editing?

please Wait, the request is sent to the administrator.


specify where to see error

Question: The error disappeared. Don`t know what happened but looks like there is something corrected! Thank you!The bug was only when you enter into the admin area of the site athttp://*.*.*/The site itself worked fine


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