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<< Previous       Download pictures from device to FTP and access the picture via website hosting

Question: Hello!I can`t figure out how to upload the image in public folder, for example /public_html*I Have an IP camera and another device, you need to put the data on the website, but the FTP account does not give access to the folder in the public folder.

Hello. what about the ftp account in question?

Question: Set up an FTP account via cPanel, I tried to specify the home directory called public_html* but it creates radiokstovo.* and it is difficult to transmit information from the electronic devices, just do not know how from this folder to display the data in the browser (image uploaded to FTP).

Specify what username you added in the FTP account.

Question: *radiokstovo.*

For this account you have specified the path:/home/ev****/radiokstovo.ru/cam

you can change it in spanel in section FTP Account at the bottom.

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