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Question: Unfortunately that name and паролемFTP *serverHost*IP:***.***.***.***Username:*Password:*****?

please Check now.

Question: Now Tell me approx. how goes you have backups of the machine and how do we connect to the server with ftp backup for our backups. While all is not clear

you have windows server of any bekapai is it? backup what?

You can do the backup kopirvoaniya your data on a dedicated ftp  server .

Question: backup. what is the best way to do it on Windows? You are doing a backup on our virtual machine?

a backup of the virtual machine is not done. for windows provided only a place under backup to a separate ftp server. You can use it at their discretion.

Question: as a backup, the virtual machine does not? And if you have a server die? how are we going to recover?

a backup of the virtual machine is not done. You can use the provided You a place for backups via ftp connection.

Question: And the replica virtual machines can be made and saved on our backup. Then to make it easier to turn the vehicle in case of dying

unfortunately this is not provided.

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