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Question: Hello, how to upload a user database?

Hello. I do not understand your question. user any way nowhere newgreat. user can only create and assign privileges for database

Question: Yes any ideas would never come, as the database korrektno to move...
Question: move to another host, not wordpress pulls settings from the database, all the floats...

what base? describe in detail

Question: mysql from your host to the client host *.*you have the root path /*username*.*they have /*username*domains*.*public_html public_html tried with and without it.... still incorrectly.

specify  what does uh.ua ?  the base has no routes.

Question: In the database you have to edit hard links which specify the widgets and themes. When you edit the theme refers to the styles from the default theme, so it was set by the coder. That is, in the database the theme specifies the path to the styles starting with /*username ...... /*.*

edit references in database using phpmyadmin

Question: no, still not loads...

what not loads?

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