Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Hello. After installing the module I cannot access admin panel *2.*.*.*. The site opens without problems http://*.*.* and here at the entrance to the admin panel writes: *: *: *public_html**-*.php* **. Please help to understand!!!
Question: ???

Hello. how did you installed the module?

Question: poshagovoe BREAK. DO NOT SKIP PARAGRAPHS.If something went wrong, please visit the sos folder.Let`s go.*. Go to the folder with your version of OpenCart, ocStore, OPENCART or OCSHOP.PRO, go to folder upload.Select all and copy to the root of the site, with replacement.(The root of the site - this is the place where you can see the admin folder.If the admin folder is renamed, rename it back to admin, install the module.Do not copy the folder admin inside admin!)*. Install the right *** or *** folders:- OpenCart *.*.x.хadmin/uploads, image/data/temp image/data/photo image/data/description and image/data/attribute - OpenCart *.x.x.xadmin/uploads, image/catalog/temp, image/catalog/photo, image/catalog/description of image/catalog/attribute*. Enter in the browser address bar: ваш_сайт/install.php and press Enter.*. Go to System->Users->user Groups->administrator->Izmeritelnaya \"Select all\" in two places and \"Save\".*. For OpenCart *.x.x.x go to admin -> \"Modifiers\" or \"add-ons Manager\", update there cache.*. Go to Suppliers and click Add.*. Write to me in PM email: \"Module requests the key. Offer key: (such and such)\".Think of a key you forgot.The key allowed only small Latin letters and/or numbers.*. Enter the key I sent. You should see the message: \"*\".Click your browser`s Back arrow, that should form the vendor.*. Open a new tab in the browser, enter in the address bar: your*site/*.php and press *.**. Go back to the form provider, enter the form name (any) and click Save.Ready.
Question: Did everything according to instructions. Using *.

you did everything according to instructions? including any rights?

prva *** forbidden for normal hosting. anywhere onin used only on low-cost servers whose performance hvataet only mod_apache

Question: rights are everywhere ***

at which stage a website is not working?

Question: uploaded to the server module, went to admin area add-ons Manager, updated the cache. Watch the module is not added in the panel, restarted the page and this gave :*: *: *public_html**-*.php* **Previously stood in this module, but made a Backup and he was gone.

we can re-postwait files from backup

Question: LET`s

files are restored.

Question: Hello. Wrote earlier as there was in Odessa the Internet. After a backup, you have a new page admin, but cannot access the site. Writes:*: *: *::*public_html*catalog*.php* ***
Question: ???

please Wait.

Question: ???

the Question referred to the administrator, wait for amp.


disable this module to test

Question: Which module? Please make again a backup. Thanks in advance.

the error message specifies the module product_categorytabs

Question: Probably when a backup error has occurred. Because in the admin panel there is no site template, I guess the error because of this .I think a backup will fix it.

please wait

Question: Please restore the backup of site and database.

we vosstanovili does not work. check

Question: OK

please Check now.

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