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Question: Hello!Over the next time Yandex.The webmaster of \"complains\" on a slow server response. Here is the notice: \"Page *.* on average, too long to answer the robot.\"I`ve updated the CMS and components and had such problems with the startup template from the repository: \"the Installation failed: *** * *** */*.**.*\". This has never never seen. How much work, always well loaded. I even installed from scratch a new engine to the test, and the same thing. What could it be?

Hello. utochnyat what was changed on the UOM website account* where you can see the problem?

Question: On the website I already did everything and updated everything. Tests show that the server is slow. Yandex complains that the query is long. For example, * works well.
Question: \"Themes\" on WordPress before you have loaded quickly, and now some \"theme\" too long to load.

the message has nothing to do with the server. \"server response\" is the time spent from request to site before the first byte in the browser. it will be different for each site and depends on how well optimizirovan site and if there are errors and external podkluchenie.

Question: Yes, I agree!Before, at least a year everything worked well and quickly. For the test I installed a fresh version of WP. Clean. Anything in it did not developed. AIDS tests showed a long connection time. Don`t know, maybe the engine itself has gotten worse, maybe more, but sooner Yandex complained about the slow sites, but several.
Question: Need wait and see whether from Yasha still on the subject of the notice or not.

what engine your website?

Question: I have nothing really to sites, my updated WP to the latest version, some plugins and all. The sites are working and seemingly working properly.
Question: WordPress.

change the php version in panel for php * if you have a new version of the engine, put the plugins keshirovaniya,Yu clean your website from unnecessary plug-ins, select or optimize tempita that nebylo vneshnih downloads in header.

Question: If you check, you can try from there to download the theme *. Long it as it works really well and fast.Not a single site on it did. And tonight she didn`t want to desegregate.

this is the theme of third-party razrabotchika? now the site atitamos?

Question: Extra plugins do not hold. Always try to do a minimum, and what about the version of PHP that`s the idea. So you can immediately *-th set?
Question: All third party themes developers, but they are divided into official repository, that is, that in the most admin can be downloaded, and left. The left always fail did not and will not.Here`s a site with this theme:https://*.*/
Question: Here more *:http://*/ (it is on this account)http://*.*/
Question: You write: \"...if you have a new version of the engine, put the plugins keshirovaniya\". Used without them and all was well. It has something to do with the new version of the engine?
Question: And about the version of PHP: You suggest to switch to the *version? Maybe I should do anywhere and other hosts?

kesarevna for wordpress sure, ccvzku this is not a light engine. the sites on wordpress are always treebut optimization

Question: Yes, I have PHP version *.*. A bit old already. Samay last *.*. Can you switch on it?

first try *


Question: I`ve read articles on this subject, write so immediately to do. First all plugins disable, and then version it to change. And here * website. Then you need to log in to sites everywhere to disable plugins?

etclocation need, when you upgrade your engine. and change the version of php in any direction whenever you want

Question: I saw one video and there shown in detail that you need with a single plugin to check the compatibility of all extensions with new versions of PHP. And if this is not done. the sites can stop working. I don`t know, it`s not so easy!
Question: I understand that there may be plugins or themes is incompatible with the new version of the language and if any (even one), the sites can stop working. So in that lesson I suggest first to find such plugins in advance to prevent the consequences.


Question: That`s probably why some sites are slower to work with.

install the plugin checks p*profiler, it diagnoses the speed of plugins

Question: OK, thank you! I`ll try.
Question: To change the versions of PHP modules*. They are disabled. Say they to cache or do I not understand? Whether they connect what kind of modules?


Question: Is that OK? I want to ask about these modules and whether they should be connected?

we said before you wrote

for caching uses emodule the actual wordpress

wp supercashe for example

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