Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Hello.Please tell me. The main domain and should be located in the root directory.And additional domains will be in the directory \"public_html\"


the Primary domain, its working directory is public_html, additional domains, the working folder can be in the public_html folder and outside of it, as You wish.

Question: Why do I have a folder with the name of the site (domain) is in the root directory, the public_html folder is empty, only with a folder *

If it created the folder, it was not created during the activation. Files should be uploaded to the public_html for your primary domain.

Question: I need to create it in public_html folder with the domain name (*.*) and pour website files.And one more question. On the main page, in the left column there is the inscription \"validate your mailbox\". What does it mean

This is a test if You order the blast furnace, it is issued after the confirmation of the mailbox.


If the speech is about domain dinsycut.com its working directory will be public_html, after the registration of the blast furnace. To check You can either execute techsavy domain (that You place), or to register in nastrojkah the hosts file on Your computer.

Question: Hello.When the domain is ready for use (you can fill in the website). DNS delegation passed, domain registered

in order For domain has worked. you need to register (order and pay), You now have paid hosting, account domain registration You removed. In order for the site to Rachel to work you need to buy a domain, or You can use our test domain.

Question: The domain is already booked, paid and registered by another Registrar, there is delegation, spelled out your DNS - DNS * -**.host**.*.* and DNS * -**.host**.*.*

In this case, download amp. the files for the site.

We`ve added a test file, it is displayed.

Proverite amps.

Question: The file is displayed . Spaceborne folder with the name of the domain to be moved from the root directory to the public_html directory

don`t want a folder, otherwise the folder is available at:


files to upload to the public_html, our test file index.html can be deleted.

Question: Hello again.Why can`t I set no logo, favicon, register in the file address and nothing appears. Write the address in the browser https://*.*logo*.* writes: Error: the Requested address `/*logo*.*` not found on the server.

you do not need to set permissions for folders or files * * * on the file should be on the rights * * * the folder *** (corrected).

Check settings under file .htaccess, we turned it off (pereimenovali), the files become available.

Question: I don`t know of course, but with these settings the file .htaccess should all work. Script license, without these settings it will not work correctly. And by the way on another hosting this script works. Here are the requirements for proper operation of scriptend>= *.*.**extensionOpenSSL*extensioncURL*extensionMySQL *.*.** *

how can I check the script?


how can I check the script?

Question: I mean how to check the script. Website address http://*.*

Site works:


Question: To work it works but the logo doesn`t see https://*.*logo*.* Error: the Requested address `/*logo*.*` not found on the server.https://*.*.* Error: the Requested address `/*.*` not found on the server.

please Wait.


you redirect to the folder of the web root, I copied the files to this folder and the logo appeared.

place the folder with the files in the web folder-root

Question: Hello.Not well done, I do not have any forwarding that you have somewhere to divert. I say I have the exact same script works on another hosting and it is normal. You have something confused - your site is included in the root directory, and should be in \"public_html\"? files scattered site in \"public_html\". Another site will load, the same thing will happen - then you will not understand which file is where. You need to fix it

https://dinsycut.com/adv/logo*.png image is available

Question: And that it is available. It should be available from the directory in which it should be instead of where it originally should not be.

from which directory it should be available?

Question: There filled the folder with the script files in the folder * should be based on images and in this folder they are not available

give a link to  the image that is available.

Question: https://*.*logo*.*

They are not available from which folder? Specify the full path. Yesterday you explained about your redirect and in which folder they should be so they will be available.

Question: I don`t have the script any redirect. Should the image files be placed in the folder \"*\" and no other.

redirects you to .htaccess



You don`t have symlink.

You osnovnimi prescribed directory  webroot and there is no  folder adv

Question: All there. I think the problem is your version of Apache and the module settings *

you don`t have symlink. you could not create. where is the link and how you created it?

Question: Symlinks are created on the page which are spelled out in the database

symlinks is not a page, and to the database, they have no relationship. you have specified the root folder webroot and there is no folder adv

Question: Okay, we go to deadlock. Then tell me why the same script, same everything, no changes and modifications on the files. On one hosting works, and you do not.

perhaps you have uploaded not all files we have told you pochkmu doesn`t work, potamu that the folder contains no files.

Question: The files I downloaded all of course. But okay thanks for the replies will try.And another question. Why a folder with the name of the site is not in public_html.

what kind of folder is it?

Question: A folder with the name of the site \"*.*\"

    dinsycut.com your main domain, folder - public_html and no other. folder     dinsycut.com could poyavitsya only as a result of any of your actions. folder of the website     dinsycut.com public_html is the folder n/r     dinsycut.com it osnovannoi domain account. in cpanel, the public_html folder is the folder enougho domain

additional domains and subdomains you can place any folder within acconut but not the main domain. the folder of the main domain is public_html not changed

Question: Clear. So the folder *.* you can remove that would not interfere

Yes, the folder of the website dinsycut.com is public_html

Question: Thank you

thank you for contacting the technical support


Hello. you sure you uploaded all files? KK, we understand the core of the site in the folder webroot/

there directs .htaccess from root otherwise it will not work.


specify which link fails to detect

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