Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Hello.Please provide me with a test VPS on period * of the day.


Check amps. for what purpose you want VPS?

Question: Hello, the location of the site of the online Agency and store backups of some client sites
Question: I put on the account *$, I thought that they can a couple of days to pay for the test

Expect the amps. server nastraivatsa.


Wanted to clarify, are You sure that You need Windows server? larusmiani sites? 

Question: Yes, that`s windows, thanks

please Wait.

Question: Tell me, please, to connect via RDP I can use the panel access, or do they differ? In which country the server is located?

Your VPS is created and configured.

to connect to remote desktop use trail. data:

the IP: ***.***.***.***

log: Administrator

pas: Sdfrdx@****

Question: Thank you, it worked

were happy to help You.

Success in Your project, have a nice day.

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